Wednesday, May 28, 2014

STE research project.

Learning a whole new program after a year of using one main one is a little frustrating.  Having to learn the new layout and new button  controls.

In my research project, I set up a basketball hoop and a basketball.
First I modeled the ball and the hoop in maya.  I then exported them out as objects.  When bringing them into Houdini, I first made a sphere then went into the geometry mode and brought in the ball and replaced the sphere with it.
The hoop was a geometry node.
I made the ball a RBD Object and the Hoop a Static Object.  I added a ground plane and stretched it to the scene size.
For all the technical stuff, I matched some of the nodes from the wall fracture project.
Some how i ended up with a second ball, which I think was a happy accident since the first ball hits it and pushes it off of the stage.  "This court isn't big enough for the both of us."

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Giving animation to a character is a long process.  You have to know how the character is going to move and what action they will be doing.  In my Character Animation class, I am working on a scene where the character is asleep in a chair and then wakes up in a panic causing him to jump out of the chair and question his surroundings.

I am currently working on blocking out the animation and approaching the lip sync process.  The sound clip I am using is from the movie "The Avengers".  It is the scene towards the end when Tony Stark wakes up on the ground and lays there asking "What just happened?"  I chose this clip because the actor is laying on the ground barely moving.  Changing the action, changes the feeling of the scene.

The following consists of my pre pro and reference and my project so far.

This next part is from earlier this month when we did the emotion change.  
My choice was someone walking along with an ice-cream then stabling and dropping it.  Then the character proceeds to get mad and throws the cone on the ground.  
The following is the reference for the animation.